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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To the NY Times, Aww, thanks but you're starting to embarass us

That latest addition in the NY Times lovefest with Portland was published on Sunday and covered the fun of visiting Portland frugally. It was part of the Frugal Traveler Blog and had the following highlights:
  • The article opened by complimenting Portlanders on their fashion which is something that I never thought that I would hear from a New York based publication. "Functional but chic" was used to describe our "form fitting fleece." It's true that fleece is common but looks like that it's very flattering on us. I guess it's not just my eyes that linger on a pair of gortex covered legs.
  • I forget how the availability of good micro brews is a privilege and not a right. The author pointed out how if it's not a microbrew, it's not a beer. This even applies to free beer at art shows. That's true that not only is beer served at movie theaters but it's always good beer. The only exception is the free beer that I got while waiting for a hair cut at Bishops was usually a Miller High Life or Pabst Blue Ribbon. However, for a free beer while waiting for a hair cut, I'm not complaining.
  • Stumptown Coffee, the "best coffee in Portland" is really that good. I'm not exactly a coffee expert but even I noticed how good it tastes. However, Stumptown is opening in NYC in the fall so New Yorkers will be able to enjoy it. When I read about Stumptown's expansion into NYC, I got to say, that coffee place is all growns up.
  • Food carts are not just street meat in Portland. I've never batted an eye about eating mobile food whether it be porksicles at the bus stops of Paraguay, South America or questionable Chinese food in Philadelphia. I always ate happily at Portland's food carts but I learned that they even have a website and the Frugal Traveler was really impressed by them.
  • I also learned of a very tasty looking sandwich place from the article called Bunk Sandwiches. I've been looking for a good sandwich place that's open until 10 pm. Bunk looks tasty but it's only open until 3. My biggest complaint about Portland is the lack of good late night grease. Well, I guess that I shouldn't complain about it as it probably will keep me alive a few years longer.
The NY Times has written about Portland so much that it's almost getting a little embarassing. While I appreciate the attention, I'm starting to realize how multiple Oscar winners feel when they go back for the 4th award. Other highlights include 36 Hours in Portland and how NYC chefs are all opening up restaurants in Portland.

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